Monday 22 June 2009

Wet weather option

After a busy Friday and Saturday night with the boys who are in town, on Sunday we were feeling very lazy. This matched the weather perfectly, because sometime during the night, the heavens opened, and continued until mid afternoon. Its the warm kind of rain, which falls straight unaffected by wind. We stripped off and took a shower standing on the balcony, and within a few minutes, we were absolutely soaked!

Through word of mouth, we've found a German/french bread shop not far from here, and we breakfasted on scrambled eggs on real poilane bread. Mine of course with marmite. This may not seem much but when these simple things are so hard to find, it makes them all the more delicious.

M has started painting again, and spent most of the day in his studio. I love it that he is so happy and everywhere I go I find bits of cloth with shocking pink or blue streaks of paint. I'm having magazines forwarded, and I'm relishing everything I can get my hands on, even some that I would not normally read. Yesterday Country Life and Monocle felt like the Sunday papers and were read cover to cover.

At lunchtime, we ventured out in flipflops and plastic coats to one of my most favourite eating places - Hibusuma Oriental Cafe. The tiny little whitewashed space is filled with old antique mismatched furniture and dried hydrangeas and the chef busies himself behind a tiny glass screen making delicious Chinese dumplings and soups. The owner, who has come to recognise us, serves all the food, assisted by his non smiling wife behind the counter. He knows we love the food and passes dishes bound for others, under our noses, so we can smell what else there is on offer. And he even remembers I don't eat meat, bringing us bowls of noodle soup with 'no meat, only chicken', which I pretend to enjoy and pass secretly to my delighted boyfriend!

Hibusuma Oriental Cafe
Kakinokizaka Street
Zip 152-0023 Tel 03 3723 2455

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